Arbitration Hearings Have Started

The Washington Nationals beat John Lannan yesterday in the first arbitration hearing of 2012. The Nationals have now won 6 of their 8 hearings since 2006. The panel consisted of Robert Herzog (team wins - 3, player wins - 2), Elizabeth Neumeier (team wins - 17, player wins - 10), and first-time baseball arbitrator John Skonier.

Today the Tampa Bay Rays went to a hearing with Jeff Niemann. The Rays have won all five of their previous hearings. The arbitration panel included two first-time baseball arbitrators - Howard Edelman and Mark Irvings. The third panel member was James Oldham (previous panel record - team wins 2, player wins - 1).

The research that I used for the information above is now posted on a website that is still being built. You can find it by going to my Notre Dame webpage and clicking on the link under my picture.

Ed Edmonds

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