The Debate Regarding the Exploitation of Student-Athletes Continues

The NCAA's March Madness has, once again, sparked the debate as to the exploitation of college athletes.  As the tournament generates millions of dollars and soaring television ratings, people continue to question why those that produce this revenue aren't compensated adequately for their role.

Our own Michael McCann appeared on Bloomberg TV to advocate paying college athletes.  You can watch the video clip here.  Nice job, again, Mike.

The horrific, and truly tragic, injury to Louisville's Kevin Ware has also riled up student-athlete advocates on the lack of insurance policies--both medical in general and disability in particular once again.  For example, did you know that if Ware doesn't have a multi-year scholarship Louisville would be within their legal rights to take his scholarship away if they so choose?  [I have no reason to think they will, only that they would have the right to do so.]  This article by CBS Sports talks about Ware's situation, and lack of insurance policies.

Fellow student-athlete advocate Marc Isenberg wrote this fine piece entitled "The Student-Athlete Disability Insurance Program isn't What the NCAA Cracks it up to be."

The New York Times is writing a piece on insurance and Ware, for which I along with several others, have been interviewed.  We'll get a link to that article up as soon as it's available.

Finally, I've written an Op Ed piece for US News on the topic of paying student-athletes.  Here's the link.

NYU Law Sports Law Panel this Wednesday. Free/Open to Public.

NYU Sports Law Committee's Roundtable Discussion on Labor Relations
Wednesday April 3, 2013, 2:00pm 
NYU School of Law, Greenberg Lounge
40 Washington Square South
New York, NY  

The Sports Law Committee, in association with the Intellectual Property and Entertainment Law Society at New York University School of Law, cordially invite you to an afternoon of lively discussion on labor relations in sports. 

This event, sponsored by Proskauer Rose, is open to the public and free. 

Event Schedule: 

                  2:00 p.m.      Roundtable Discussion on Labor Relations
                    Robert Boland, Professor at NYU Tisch Center (moderator)   
                    Russ Granik, former NBA Deputy Commissioner
                    Charles Grantham, former Executive Director of NBPA
                    Adam Lupion ‘01, Partner at Proskauer Rose
                    Allen Shapard, Senior VP, IMG Worldwide, Inc.
                    Jon Wertheim, Senior Writer for Sports Illustrated

3:15 p.m.     Q&A

3:45 p.m.    Coffee Break 
4:00 p.m.    Keynote Address
                    Michael Weiner, Executive Director of the Major League
                    Baseball Players Association
4:45 p.m.    Q&A

Please contact Committee Chairs Sarah Dyer ( and Joeseph Tevelowitz ( with any questions. 

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