club liga inggris

We have all heard about Think Tanks and yet few of us know much about them or what they do. In fact, generally one has to wonder what they think about anyway. Recently, someone asked me what the Online Think Tank is thinking about and working on. The answer is almost as intriguing as the question, because it always changes.
Since I happen to run the Online Think Tank, I told the gentleman and potential team member what I was thinking about and then what was slated on the agenda in the next week. Below is a short list of two items I was thinking on the day he contacted me:
1.) The American Indians used horses and moved on foot, but they also had to cross-terrain and vegetation areas that would make things difficult. In addition, they needed water to carry with them. What modern advances could we provide someone like that now that would not require fuel, self-operated, transportable and self-powered, but strong to take a beating? Why? Well for exploration, search and rescue, military, etc.
2.) I am planning a bike ride across America for Juvenile Diabetes to raise money, but many parts of the country are absolutely dangerous due to automobiles, so I am considering driving it first and finding better routes, there is very little data in many places of where is the safest to ride. If we want "thin" Americans, we need more bicycle lanes "Everywhere" and keep folks from being run over. Yes, some states are excellent, many are not.
Well those were my thoughts the day he contacted our Online Think Tank, but those have changed by now. Below are the items that were on the agenda 3-weeks ago and in reading this, maybe you should contact us if you have been thinking here and/or have other interesting ideas.
1.) The Geo-political Implications of; Using CIA to overthrow Hugo Chavez; Going into Northern Pakistan to get Al Qaeda; Stopping the Coca Plant in Bolivia funded by Venezuela; Calling N. Korea on their shell game. i.e. where are the other nuclear weapons plants?
2.) Electo-magnet and ELF weather creation - making clouds
3.) Smaller Automobiles and Public Perception of safety
4.) Redesigning speedometer/odometer and making a combo airspeed indicator for PAVs. Also (Tachometer Scheme for warranties of PAVs).
5.) Why Whole Foods Market needs to merge to provide economies of scale to lower costs and compete with healthier foods.
6.) Human Gill device implants, rescue swimmers, Navy Seals.
7.) AUV Paravane strategies for autonomous underwater surveillance of ports
8.) Electronic Attack Proof UAVs
9.) Beached Sea Mammal rescue system
10.) Robotic Farming in Africa to prevent humans getting ringworm
11.) How to get rid of all world religion
12.) How dishonest it is for a company to sell Tea with Ginseng and then on the back it says High Fructose Corn Syrup as the first ingredient.
13.) How any building that was completed in 2007 has irrelevant energy efficiency numbers due to the new materials discovered since June of 2006?
14.) How much trash humans throw out on hiking trails, dumping junk and not caring about it?
15.) Why drivers do not pick up hitchhikers due to fear.
16.) Why the Catholic Church is allowed to operate in the US after all the child molestations.
17.) Why someone needs to build a website with all sorts of "Community Plans" for locals to download.
18.) Why so many liberals and Sierra Club types work in Washington DC and continue to use all that paper cutting down trees?
19.) Why copying what everyone else has done in the past and relying on their data quells the forward progression of innovation
20.) Builders always build to make a profit not the most energy efficient, unless they will be holding the property long-term themselves.
21.) Why peace in the Middle East might be a pipe dream and why the probability for total disaster is much more likely then ever attaining long-term peace.
22.) That the biggest secret of all is there is NO Secret at all. i.e. secret societies, organizations and religions, its all BS.
Well this are a few of thoughts I was thinking on and 20 plus thoughts that were on the agenda and I even ended up writing a few articles on these subjects. Tell me your thoughts, where do you want to think today, with the Online Think Tank?

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