celebrities tattoos

You may not have a great opinion about celebrities, their life style, their I.Q. - but I think nobody can deny the most beautiful tattoos are inked on their bodies. Maybe it's easier (and much more pleasant) for a tattoo artist to draw a nice tattoo designs on Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox' back than on mine. Or maybe those tattoos are not a bit better than mine, they just look better because of their wonderful backgrounds such as Megan Fox shoulders or Britney Spears lower back. Anyhow, I have just noticed that we all know a lot about celebrity tattoos and their wonderful design, but we usually know nothing about the artists. Who did them? Who created such wonderful (sometimes horrible or just funny) tattoo designs?
The most famous and most successful among tattoo artists nowadays is known as Mr. Cartoon. Mark Machado (this is his real name) is a Mexican American tattoo and graffiti artist based in Los Angeles. He has become one of the most sought after tattoo artists on the planet. He is the creator of some of the most beautiful tattoo designs you can admire on some of our favourite Stars: Eminem, Justin Timberlake and Beyoncé, just to name the most famous ones. But he is not just a tattooist. You can also recognize his style in some works used by Nike, Toyota and the videogame Grand Theft Auto. He has also written comic-books and graphic novels and created a brand called Joker to sell T-shirts and baseball caps with his tattoo designs style.
Another well known artist at the moment is Kat von D. I don't know if she is better known for her art or her appearance, but she has also worked for many celebrities like Kirk Hammett (Metallica), the Green Day and Jenna Jameson (who has a nice tattoo on her back explaining why she does what she does for a living: "I was born to do it").
Louis Molloy is another one of celebrities' favourite tattoo artists. He did the most of David Beckham Body-art works, drawing some of the most amazing religious tattoo designs on his back. I also heard an interesting rumour about Molloy copyright claims on David Beckham's tattoos. But that is another story.
Do you like Rihanna's new gun tattoo designs? Or the "Shhh!!!" tattoo on her finger? Well there's a tattoo studio in New York called BangBang which could help you getting similar tattoo designs.
The last Celebrity Tattoo Artist I would like to talk about is Kevin Quinn. Not only because I love his style but also because he was the one who inked my all favourite Hollywood Star, Julia Roberts. She wears a little tattoo on her lower back with the names of her kids. Kevin Quinn's tattoo designs are also to be seen on some of the best Rock Bands of all times - like Guns n' Roses for example - and some Pop music stars like Mel C.
These are the most famous tattoo artist around at the moment. You may think it is easy to get nice tattoo designs if you can afford to pay the best tattooist on the market, but it is not always that easy. Money does not always guarantee you the best result of a tattoo session. Megan Fox, for example, did once get an awful tribal tattoo design on her wrist. She says her tattooist was drunk that day.


3 questions: Kentucky

  1. Will we play sharp? For some reason, the Kentucky game has represented all that the part of the fan base that wants Richt gone points to. We have looked uninspired, sloppy, and unprepared, leaning on the talent gap to pull away late (and in some cases not at all) for the past several seasons, it seems like. We have a double whammy with the Auburn loss and how we lost last week hanging over the program. I'm not concerned about losing to Kentucky. I'm concerned about not showing up because we are not interested in not getting beat.
  2. How bad is Kentucky? Well, I don't think they are worse than Arkansas. They've played some decent teams close (think Louisville). That talent gap I talked about is huge here. It got bigger with those suspensions.
  3. Will we be able to work on some stuff for Tech? Honestly, I want us to jump out to a big lead and allow Murray and the rest of the seniors to walk off the field to applause. More importantly, I want Murray and company to get some serious reps getting used to each other. Winning the next two games and whatever pre-NYD bowl we play in is important to me and them. Winning and getting right for Tech is a huge part of that.

Stone UGAs at Stone Mascots

In the interests of getting things ready for the holidays, I'll present a few things here and there as possible gift ideas. The first is a stone UGA from Stone Mascots. This thing is substantial.

I've got a cast concrete one (like you can find all over), but the stone UGA is an official University of Georgia product, weighs more and is sharper.

Check the picture:

It stands 14 inches tall. I did get one for letting y'all know about Stone Mascots, so as soon as I get back and get it out of the box, I'll post a few pictures.


RIP: Michael Weiner

One of the advantages of being actively engaged in the "sports law" community is the benefit of meeting some tremendously intelligent and charismatic individuals.  Our society lost one of those people yesterday when Michael Weiner finally succumbed to brain cancer.

Weiner, the MLB players' union executive director, took over in December of 2009 following the departure of Donald Fehr.  A fierce labor attorney, Weiner displayed the ability to advocate for the players while swiftly earning the respect of the owners, Commissioner Bud Selig and all involved in the business of baseball.

Many of us were lucky enough to have met Michael, serving on a panel at a law school conference or shaking his hand at the annual Sports Law Association's conference.  For those of you who didn't have the benefit of meeting or hearing Michael speak, spend some time researching what he accomplished over his all too short tenure with the union.  And when first pitch comes around this spring, please don't forget to tip your cap....

The dollar is strong, the dollar is weak

The dollar is strong, the dollar is weak; the dollar is strong, the dollar is weak; the dollar is... ad nauseum. Over the past few years the Dollar is continually given the appearance of being volatile when it is not; volatility in all investment markets is replacing stability, because stability is less profitable for Wall Street. Volatility induces more trades that result in more fees, commissions, and opportunities for brokerage firms to remove the contributions of investors to pay the wages and expenses of Wall Street, rather than increase the value of stocks, bonds, and commodities. So the Dollar must also be made to appear to be volatile as well, to continue a charade of strength that over any period of time greater than one year shows that the Dollar is continually weakening; and has, with one exception, been weakening for the past 100 years; the gross manipulation of the dollar to destroy equity, during the great depression, being the exception; today it requires $98.00 to buy what $2.00 would buy in 1914, such is the strength of the Dollar on its relentless march to zero. The Dollar may be temporarily stronger relative to a few other currencies, but our ever increasing massive debt load belies any Dollar strength.
If the world economy were an enormous weight being lifted by a multitude of cranes representing various currencies, the corners would be lifted by the U. S. Dollar, the Euro, the Yen, and the Yuan. It is true that currencies and cranes start out with a given strength which declines with age; money inflates and iron fatigues; to continue the analogy, if the Euro crane begins to weaken and buckle, the fact that the other cranes are still holding the world economy weight up, does not mean that they have gotten stronger; and with the Euro currency headed down the path of devaluation by inflation does not make the Dollar, Yen, or Yuan stronger relative to any economic relationship except a direct exchange for Euros; every other economic relationship is unchanged except trade with the Euro countries, whose imports from other economies will decline.
Yet there is an almost weekly cycle of the Dollar being weak relative to stocks, bonds, and commodities for a few days and then the Dollar is suddenly strong relative to these markets. The Dollar is not strong one day and weak the next except for a purpose; and that purpose is extracting dollars out of the investment accounts of individuals and businesses that are market chasers, buying and selling behind the curve and losing wealth in the process. It costs billions and billions every year to pay the wages and profits to operate Wall Street; a lot of that money comes from the monthly contributions of 401Ks and IRAs and daily market chasers. When the inflow of these contributions ceases, or drops below the amount needed to fund Wall Street, the whole thing will collapse suddenly and totally; and just as occurred in 1929 the wealthy insiders and specially informed elite will remove themselves from these markets before the collapse, preserving themselves at the expense of the controlled ignorance and naiveté of the middle class, whose 401K and IRA investments (like all their other federal and local taxes) are spent and gone.

profile real madrid

They are not only the most successful club in the world but also the richest in the world according to the latest survey done by the money league which publish their research results annually. Yes, its true that Real Madrid are the richest club by income for the season 2006-2007 probably for the season 2007-2008 too but the results are not completed yet.
So what makes Real Madrid not only the richest club in the world but more significantly, the most successful as well.Well the statistics don't lie and more often then not speak for themselves. For any club to be successful, only two titles could and should be given credit, The league and the Champions League,the rest are mere formalities as you all know (it does not take much to beat Sao Paulo in a cup final) so I am going to ignore the minor trophies here, lets have a look at most of the major football clubs track records against the Madrid Galacticos.
Manchester United have won only two Champions league trophy, one was way back when it was known as the European cup and the other in 1999,they have 16 league titles.
* Barcelona have also won two champions league trophies and 18 league titles
* Liverpool have won the competition FIVE times and they have 18 league titles
* Inter Milan have 2 champions league titles and 15 league titles
* Ac milan have 7 champions league titles and 17 league titles
There are some other major clubs as well but they have just started to grow so lets just ignore them for a moment.
Finally, Real Madrid has won 9 champions league titles and 30 league titles. Now I have listed all the great clubs of Europe above, not even a single club can match or come close to the records set by the Spanish powerhouse. Thus proving what I stated earlier that real Madrid is the undisputed champion of champions.
Real Madrid is the only team that holds the Cup in property, having won the title five consecutive times.

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