
Strong dollar , weak dollar , strong dollar , weak dollar , dollar ... ad nauseum . Over the past few years given the dollar continued appearance of volatile if not , all the volatility in the investment markets replaces stability , because stability is less favorable to Wall Street . Volatility induces more trade that generates more costs , commissions , and opportunities for brokerage companies to remove the contribution of the investor to pay the salaries and expenses of Wall Street , rather than increasing the value of stocks , bonds , and commodities . So the dollar should also be made ​​to appear to be stable as well , to continue the charade force for a period of more than one year showed that the dollar continues to weaken , and has , with one exception , have been passed down for 100 years ; gross manipulation of dollars to destroy equity , during the Great Depression , being an exception , requiring the $ 98.00 to buy what $ 2.00 will buy in 1914 , including the strength of the dollar on a relentless march to zero . While it may be relatively strong dollar to other currencies , but the ever increasing burden of massive debt we deny any dollar strength .If the world economy is a heavy burden is lifted by crane representing many different currencies , the angle will be revoked by the U.S. Dollar , Euro , Yen , and Yuan . It is true that the currency and the crane started with strength given that decreases with age , money expands and iron uniforms , to continue the analogy , if the Euro crane began to weaken and buckle , the fact that another crane still holds the world economy top heavy , does not mean that they getting stronger , and the Euro currency devaluation by the road leading to inflation does not make Dollars , yen , Yuan or relatively strong economic ties except direct exchange for euros ; any other economic relationship has not changed except trade with the Euro countries , the import of other countries will decrease .But there are almost weekly cycle weak dollar compared to stocks , bonds , and commodities for a few days and then suddenly stronger dollar relative to these markets . The dollar is not strong one day and weak the next except for a purpose , and that purpose is extracting dollars from individual investment accounts and business market hunters , buying and selling on the back of the curve and lost a fortune in the process . It costs billions every year to pay salaries and benefits to operate Wall Street , a lot of money derived from a monthly contribution of 401Ks and IRAs and daily market hunters . When the entry of these contributions stop , or falls below the amount needed to fund Wall Street , everything will collapse suddenly and completely , and as happened in 1929 in the special information rich and elite will remove themselves from the market before collapse , self-preservation at the expense of controlled ignorance and naivete of the middle class , the 401K and IRA investments ( like all other federal and local taxes ) is spent and gone

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