Faint praise for Grantham

Richt didn't exactly go to bat for Grantham when given the chance:
"The bottom line is at Georgia we're a team and we win together and lose together. We're always watching film after every game to make sure we make corrections on offense, defense and special teams."
This was in response to a question about the defensive staff's performance. I'll grant youth being part of the equation this season, but youth is also at the feet of the coaches, when you think about how little rotation was done last year (or has been done this year, especially among the linebackers). And the lack of competent tackling this year.

When you add in how the stats are going to end up this season, we are looking at the worst defensive performance of the last 20 years. Grantham is in the last year of his contract, according to Chip Towers in the linked article. I wouldn't bet on him getting another multi-year deal at this point.

I'm not sure where I saw that about Grantham, but he got a three year contract in summer of 2012, meaning he is mid-way through year two. That obviously changes things.


This is not simultaneous possession. No way. Horrid.

Is Will Friend getting a pass?

Hey, I'm not giving him one. We have an offensive line that is supposed to be our strong suit. They have been in some games. Some they weren't.

Yesterday was a they weren't game. Dee Ford looked like Clowney. He's not. They you see quotes like this:
“We came out a little sluggish the first half,” Theus said. “I think they kind of caught us by surprise. They came out with a lot of energy and they were playing really hard.”
Really? It is Auburn. They are 9-1. They had 90K screaming folks in the stands. This is GEORGIA FREAKING AUBURN! The real question I have is why didn't our line come out with a lot of energy? I'll get to Grantham, but if I was a betting man, I'd have money on Friend's job being more in jeopardy than Grantham's.

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