SEC Power Poll, Week Omega

  1. Missouri - Gary Pinkel is very much doing Gary Pinkel things. The surprising thing is how good their defense is.
  2. Auburn - I seriously believe Gus Malzahn also plays the blues like nobodies business, but he'll have hell to pay for it later.
  3. Alabama - A fluke play still can't fix the fact that The Process didn't account for something.
  4. South Carolina - The best 10 win team in the nation.
  5. LSU - I don't know how you nearly lose to Arkansas if you are LSU. 
  6. Georgia - Nothing against Georgia Tech, but bwahahahahahaa.
  7. Texas A&M - Texas A&M is just Georgia, but never had all the offensive talent in the first place.
  8. Vandy - What Franklin has done at Vandy is quite impressive. He needs to look at Jim Grobe and how he handled his career after peaking. 
  9. Mississippi State - I struggled with putting them above Ole Miss, despite the win. Then I considered Dan Mullen's coaching job Thursday night and decided I had no choice.
  10. Ole Miss - Hugh Freeze got out coached. Dr. Bo didn't help.
  11. Florida - I'm surprised only two coaches got booted.
  12. Tennessee - Not to put too fine a point on this, but the Vols are definitely where they should be.
  13. Arkansas - Showed a shocking amount of pluck against LSU. 
  14. Kentucky - Kentucky is better coached than they used to be. They are also still very out talented.
It has gotten easier, but it still isn't easy. Many thanks to Brandon Larabee at Garnet and Black Attack for hosting and all his work on the poll this season.

Florida's next offensive coordinator

While Brent Pease is off to get his shinny new head coaching job like Weis and Adazio did, Muschamp is out looking for an offensive coordinator. He's got his work cut out for him.

Think about it:
  • The job has been a revolving door under Muschamp.
  • Unless you come in and make marked statistical improvements, your boss and the rest of the staff will likely be gone after one year. That is even with 'turnaround' year of 7-9 wins in 2014.
  • You will likely be using wide receivers by committee. Your best two running backs can't stay healthy. Your best offensive weapon will be playing on Sundays next season. 
  • Unless you can bring an 'exciting' philosophy with you (read: plenty of flash and pizzazz), the fan base isn't going to like you.
  • Despite all the aforementioned reasons, the fan base isn't likely to like you anyway unless you are currently coaching in a conference championship game because that is how they are.
Kind of limits your list doesn't it?

Except there is one guy that fits in ok. He isn't going to win the minds of Florida fans with his name, but he could win the press conference. He's currently the OC for a team with a dynamic offense. His name is synonymous with throwing the ball. He's recruited the Southeastern Conference, and Florida specifically. He has great hair.

Hal Mumme. 

He's been around. He's not afraid of a one year stint, based on his subscription to the Brian Van Gorder career management newsletter. He's utterly confident in his offensive prowess. His offenses are the opposite of what Florida has seen the past two seasons. 

Just a hunch, but don't be surprised if it happens.

Georgia's Bowl

ESPN has us in the Gator. Can't argue with that. Here's how it'll shake out:

SEC Champ and Alabama in BCS
Loser of SEC Championship Game in CapOne
LSU in Cotton Bowl
South Carolina in Outback

Now there are three 8-4 teams for the league to match up with Bowl Partners. Texas A&M, Georgia, and Vandy. Throw in Ole Miss, despite losing to Mississippi State on Thanksgiving night. Georgia is 5-3 in the conference. I think we stand a better than even shot at the CFA bowl. Part of that is match up. For my money, I'd rather get Michigan in the Gator than the presumptive ACC runner up Duke in Atlanta, but still there is an matter of prestige.

It'd be hard to see CFA and Gator grabbing Ole Miss or Vandy over Georgia and Texas A&M, so basically it is the Aggies and the Dawgs for those two. I think the CFA will want UGA fans to fill up Georgia Dome since Duke won't travel. If Duke pulls the upset over FSU, no way Georgia makes the CFA, as the ACC will have two BCS teams and Clemson will face A&M.

But, the CFA might throw it down to get Johnny Football in his last college football game if it is Duke.

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