Is Will Friend getting a pass?

Hey, I'm not giving him one. We have an offensive line that is supposed to be our strong suit. They have been in some games. Some they weren't.

Yesterday was a they weren't game. Dee Ford looked like Clowney. He's not. They you see quotes like this:
“We came out a little sluggish the first half,” Theus said. “I think they kind of caught us by surprise. They came out with a lot of energy and they were playing really hard.”
Really? It is Auburn. They are 9-1. They had 90K screaming folks in the stands. This is GEORGIA FREAKING AUBURN! The real question I have is why didn't our line come out with a lot of energy? I'll get to Grantham, but if I was a betting man, I'd have money on Friend's job being more in jeopardy than Grantham's.

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