Georgia's Bowl

ESPN has us in the Gator. Can't argue with that. Here's how it'll shake out:

SEC Champ and Alabama in BCS
Loser of SEC Championship Game in CapOne
LSU in Cotton Bowl
South Carolina in Outback

Now there are three 8-4 teams for the league to match up with Bowl Partners. Texas A&M, Georgia, and Vandy. Throw in Ole Miss, despite losing to Mississippi State on Thanksgiving night. Georgia is 5-3 in the conference. I think we stand a better than even shot at the CFA bowl. Part of that is match up. For my money, I'd rather get Michigan in the Gator than the presumptive ACC runner up Duke in Atlanta, but still there is an matter of prestige.

It'd be hard to see CFA and Gator grabbing Ole Miss or Vandy over Georgia and Texas A&M, so basically it is the Aggies and the Dawgs for those two. I think the CFA will want UGA fans to fill up Georgia Dome since Duke won't travel. If Duke pulls the upset over FSU, no way Georgia makes the CFA, as the ACC will have two BCS teams and Clemson will face A&M.

But, the CFA might throw it down to get Johnny Football in his last college football game if it is Duke.

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