Sunday Morning Comes: Tech

Only a few this morning:

  1. Todd Freaking Gurley. At the end of regulation, I looked up at our rushing stats and was stunned we only had about 80 yards. Thinking back over the game it didn't seem like we did much running, but still I thought we'd be above 100 yards. Then overtime happened and it was like Bobo and the offensive line decided 'hell no, we ain't going to get whipped by an ACC team on the line anymore.' The second TD run in OT by Gurley was easily the best blocking we'd seen all night. 
  2. Hutson Mason. 22-36. 299 yards. 1 int. 2 tds. Only one really bad pass and that was intercepted. Still he did enough, especially in the second half, to ensure we were in a position to win. That is all you can ask for in a first start.
  3. Conley, welcome to the game. Good to see Chris Conley stepping up. It was apparent from the get go Mason has the confidence in him that Murray has in Bennett. That's a good thing.
  4. Offensive line play. Tech's D is good, but we actively allowed Attaochu to look like an All-American. He looked far more impressive that Clowney. The we blocked the way we did in the overtimes. Just headscratching. 
  5. Coaching. Give Bobo and Richt credit, Tech had a plan for neutralizing the run and making Mason do QB things. Our second half adjustments were very strong. I'd like to give Grantham credit, as his defense did enough in the second half to allow Georgia's offense to get their feet under them. However, we never adjusted to pass plays defensively. Fortunately, the players made plays. Wilson, especially. I guess you could say that about the whole season.
I'll take a win over these guys all the time. Not even a close call.

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